公開透明的報價,讓您放心。 所以有車輛都是合法的營業車!
賓士 Vito 九人車
賓士 Vito 九人車
10小時 6000(野柳,九份,十分,基隆,陽明山,北海岸)其他景點(環島多日遊)另外報價
Toyota RAV4 五人車
Toyota RAV4 五人車
10小時 4500(野柳,九份,十分,基隆,陽明山,北海岸)其他景點(環島多日遊)另外報價
豐田 Granvia 豪華六人車
Toyota Granvia 豪華六人車
10小時 7000(野柳,九份,十分,基隆,陽明山,北海岸)其他景點(環島多日遊)另外報價
豐田 Alphard 豪華七人車
Toyota Alphard 豪華七人車
8小時 9000(野柳,九份,十分,基隆,陽明山,北海岸)其他景點(環島多日遊)另外報價
James 包車 - Google 評論都說讚
C T2025-01-09 I came across James Taiwan while searching for charter service to and fro Alishan from Taipei. The responses had been swift. Thankful to the liaison person, I received great advice on which area to stay in to catch the sunrise train (initially I totally had no idea the accommodations I was considering were very far). For the 2 days of service, 阿江 was our driver and his service delivery exceeded our family’s expectations. Throughout the two days, he brought and guided us around - we had a good guided tour around Alishan forest and on the following day, he customised the itinerary based on my family’s preference and brought us to fun places to visit at Taichung. 阿江 also helped my family take photos and even edited videos for us as keepsake. He has really gone the extra mile and we are so thankful. Big thanks to 阿江 and the team at James Taiwan! :) 丁珊2025-01-04 物有所值,推荐的景点餐厅都很棒,沟通也很顺畅,下次来台还会请他们。 盧家輝2025-01-03 這次租9人車、4人車各一部因為要帶一組日本客人 非常推薦司機Logan、小林 開車很穩很舒適而且路上還會跟我分享景點該怎麼走 客人表示整體都很舒適覺得很安全 chunk Mui hui2024-12-19 今次台灣之旅,多謝小廖!悉心安排行程 零七公主由美好嘅回憶,衷心感謝你 Connie Wong2024-12-17 小廖車長 做事細心 照顧大家 年青有為 又靚仔 有你真好装载更多
逛逢甲夜市,高美濕地日落,搭阿里山小火車,暢遊日月潭,登合歡山武嶺,花蓮太魯閣峽谷,七星潭天空之鏡,花蓮太平洋賞鯨,墾丁海角七號~~快來跟 James 預約唷!

歡迎蒞臨 James 包車旅遊網站!旅行是人生中珍貴的體驗,James 司機群 – 以專業與熱情,為您打造一段獨一無二的探險之旅。無論您追求古老文化、自然奇觀,還是美食之旅,我們將精心設計每個行程,確保您的每個時刻都充滿驚喜與滿足!
立即聯繫 James!